Friday, January 27, 2017

Muslims needs to read this about the early church leaders, part three

Hermas, a contemporary of the Apostle Paul. He is mentioned in Paul's letter to the Romans (16:14). He wrote a three-volume work at the end of the first century which was regarded highly by the ancients; in it he quotes extensively from the books of the New Testament.

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

According to Muslims, are the Bible have been changed? Part Five

If the Bible has been tampered with and changed, why then the accusers have not presented a list of those verses that were supposed to have been changed, accompanied by a list of the original with an explanation of the purpose behind the change? The Bible was translated into Arabic in the days of Mohammad and was circulated among the Christian Arabian tribes such as Himiar, Ghassam,Najran, El-hira, and other. Also, it was in the hands of Mohammad himself, who of course, read it as did those who came before him. (Jonah 94); therefore, if there was any change of alteration in the Bible, the accusers would have kept the original text to prove their cause and claims. 

Saturday, January 7, 2017

Muslims needs to read this about the early church leaders, part two

Clement, Bishop of Rome. He worked with the Apostle Paul (Philippians 4:3) and wrote an epistle to the church at Corinth. He quoted many of the words of Jesus from the Gospel, as well as the words of the apostles from various New Testament epistles. It is believed that he was appointed to his position as bishop in AD91 and that he died in AD100.

According to Muslims, are the Bible have been changed? Part Four

Was it possible for the different Jewish sects to agree to the alterations of the Torah in favor of Christianity? Ha! As you well know, the Jews in those times were lurking for the Christians and raring to launch their attack against the Christians had the Christians introduced even one  single alteration to the Bible. Especially when the Jews were strongly protective of their Torah to the extent that they knew the number of its letters and its words so that nations used their strict reservation in guarding it, as a proverb, among themselves. For that reason, it was impossible to alter or change the Bible.