Monday, May 22, 2017

Muslims needs to read this about the early church leaders in the second century, part two

Justin Martyr. Born in a Samarian village in AD 89, he embraced Christianity in AD 133, achieved fame by Ad 140 and was martyred in AD 168. He wrote a number of books in defense of the Christian faith, among them a letter to the emperor, Antonius Pius. He debated with Trypho the Jew and his treatise survives until today. In this work, it is evident that he had studied the philosophies of Pythagoras and Plato and found it wise to embrace the Christian faith. He mentioned all four accounts of the Gospel of Jesus, saying that Christians used to recite them in their places of worship. He also refers to the letters of the Apostles Paul, Peter and John and the book of Revelation. His testimony occupies a paramount place because it is the work of a learned thinker.

Sunday, May 21, 2017

A great message for my Muslims friend

Hear my Muslim friend, you attack the Bible, you do not attack the Christians, but you are attacking God himself; in doing so, you are identifying with the accursed Devil in an attempt against the Word of God, before whose Judgement Seat they will stand. Such an act is nothing less than a conspiratorial complicity against God's Holy Book. Do not forget that Satan has found agents to work for him in every age and generation. Those wicked men plot with Satan in ugly attempts to smudge and stain the reputation of the Bible with all kind of accusations and assaults. However, we have to understand that God has given His Word an unconditional, eternal promise that heaven and earth will pass away but His Word will last forever. (Matthew 24:35; Luke 16:17). Don't ever forget that our God has the final word on the Judgement Day. Attacking God's Word is an attack on God Himself; and that is the work of Satan; and man's criticism of God's Word  is nothing less than collusion with God's enemy who uses his agents to conceal the truth by iniquity and exchange God's truth by a lie. Those insist on criticizing God's Word, claiming that they are wise, are nothing less than fools, perverted and perverting and promising liberty for unaware people, when they themselves are bond-slaves of corruption. They did not like to accept the accuracy of the Bible in spite of all the convincing evidence, the solid conformations, the clear affidavits and the irrefutable measures. But they became foolish in their thoughts, and their hearts were darkened. For this reason, God delivered them to a reprobate mind. However, the day will soon come when they will stand before the throne of the Condemning Judge and fall under His formidable condemnation where He will afflict them with His dreadful wrath. Thus, they will  receive the just punishment of their error (Romans 1).
"And woe to the unbelievers for a terrible chastisement (Abraham 2). Therefore, let us not comply with Satan, but rather, let us believe the Bible lest we fall in the net of those who fell under the wrath of God.   

Monday, May 1, 2017

Muslims needs to read this about the early church leaders in the second century, part one

Papias, Bishop of Hierapolis. He was well known from AD 110-116. He met with Polycarp and possibly even with John the Apostle. In his writings, he quotes from all four accounts of the Gospel of Christ, 1 Peter, 1 John, The Acts of the Apostles and Revelation.