The word Injil ("Gospel") is an Arabic translation of the Greek word
Evangelion which means "happy message" or "good news," for it proclaims
to all the absolute love of God towards sinners through the atoning
death of Christ on their behalf; whoever truly believes in Him shall not
perish but have eternal life (John 3:16).
Before addressing the belief that the Gospel of the Christians has been
abrogated, we would say that anyone can accuse someone with whatever
accusation he likes-but if there is no convincing evidence to back the
accusation, it becomes null and void. Thus, those who say that the
Gospel has been abrogated are obliged to mention:
- The original state of the verses abrogated
- The names of those who abrogated the Gospel, the time of abrogation and the purpose behind it.
- How the Gospel managed to be abrogated when, by the second century, thousands of Gospel texts had already spread to different countries in several languages.
- The method the abrogators used to cover up the alleged abrogation, which only the opponents of Christianity supposedly discovered and that hundreds of years after the alleged abrogation had taken place.
The early Christians kept even the false accounts of the Gospel and made them available to interested readers. The Christians of the second through fourth centuries did not burn the books that heretics wrote about Christ; these heretics called their writings "gospels," in an attempt to make them believable. The early Christians kept false gospels, for they were absolutely sure about the authenticity of the Gospel they had in their hands. Moreover, they also printed and spread these false gospels in many languages, according to the principle of free speech, and gave people of all ages the chance to compare the content of these books with that of the true Gospel. This shows clearly the honesty and impartiality of the early Christians. Consequently, no one can accuse the early Christians of having any changes in the Gospel.