Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Some say that Matthew Chapter One and Two were not originally part of the book?

Objection: Norton said that Matthew 1 and 2 were not originally part of the book.


Those who find fault with the first two chapters of Matthew's Gospel account obviously do so because they doubt the virgin birth of Christ, for this subject is found therein. If you are an Muslim that uses this claim against the Bible then hear the next statement. The Koran also witnesses to Christ's conception through the Holy Spirit in the Virgin Mary, without human agency. Thus, any Muslim that denies the first two chapters of Matthew's Gospel account denies the Koran as well.

Consider the proofs which supports the authenticity of chapters one and two of Matthew's account"

1) Chapter three begins with the words, "In those days..." This indicates that it is dependent upon something described previously-namely, the contents of the preceding chapter. And since Matthew wrote his account of the Gospel with a Jewish readership in mind, it was of utmost importance for him to include a genealogy and this is what we find in chapter one.

2) The first two chapters are mentioned in all the old manuscripts such as the Codex Vaticanus, the Cambridge edition, the Codex manuscript at Trinity College, Dublin, as well as in the old Italian and Coptic manuscripts. These manuscripts were all written before the fifth century.

3) Ancient scholars and religious authorities mention chapters one and two. Clement (AD 194) mentions the genealogy of Christ listed in Matthew 1 and Luke 3. Also, Eusebius mentions a statement of Hegesippus who wrote that Emperor Domitian summoned two scholars to research the ancestry of David. Hegesippus makes reference to Matthew 2 where we read about Herod feeling threatened by the birth of Christ. Justin Martyr (AD 140) mentions all the incidents that are described in these two chapters. Iganatius (AD 107), in his letter to the Ephesians, writes that Christ was born miraculously of the Virgin Mary and that a star pronounced his birth.  Ignautius died six years after the death of the Apostle John, so his testimony occupies a prominent position among scholars. As for the writings of Irenaeus and the later Church fathers, there is no need to mention them, for all these men accepted the authenticity of Matthew 1 and 2. Regarding the attacks of the enemies of Christianity, Christian authorities mentioned their objections when refuting them; all of them refer to the birth of Christ as describe in chapters one and two of the Gospel according to Matthew.

Click on this link for YouTube video about the topic "Is Jesus God"?


Monday, April 1, 2019

Power of God to create

I will share this information to all Muslims. I believe that all Muslims needs to understand my points in this blog.
The Qur'an spoke of the Power of Christ to create and it mentioned in The House of Imran 49 that He created a bird. Some Muslim scholars objected saying that the ability of Christ to create a bird was not self-generating, but Christ could create "by God's permission". This phrase is of great importance to them because they believe that Christ was a man to whom God granted the power to create a bird out of clay. In response to that misunderstanding, we answer that if you read the Gospel of Christ, you will find that Christ prayed before He made His miracles as though He was asking the permission of God. In His action, He was teaching His disciples and the world the importance of the chain of command and of respecting positions and obeying orders. In the meantime, in order to show the world that he was not a mere human. He always proclaimed at the time He made the miracles that He and the Father are one. If He were not one with God. God would have stripped Him of His powers from the very beginning, from the very moment He claimed that He was equal with God. Therefore, His powers were not granted to Him as to a human but as to Someone Who is equal in essence with God.
The Qur'an insists that Christ possessed the power of creation (House of Imran 49). The Qur'an teaches that the power of creation is restricted to God only (Jonah 34). History testifies that God has never delegated His creating power to any mere human. Here, the conclusion becomes clear and necessary; i.e., the Qur'an is testifying publicly for the divinity and the deity of Christ. The Qur'an recorded that Christ used the same "method of operation" which was used at the time the human race was created, employing the clay and breathing in it. Life came directly from his breath. Notice that life came to the bird when the Lord Jesus breathed in it, showing that He Himself was the source of life (El-Hijr 28 &29). Here the student can see that the Qur'an agrees, overtly and covertly with the Bible text thay Christ was the creator for "All things were made by Him."

Click on this great video.