Thursday, December 29, 2016

Muslims needs to read this about the early church leaders, part one

Barnabas. He worked along with the Apostle Paul (Acts 13:2,3,46,47 and 1 Corinthians 9:6), is called an apostle (Acts 14:14), and authored a letter which occupied a prominent place among the ancients and which still exists. In this letter, he recognizes the Gospel of Christ according to Matthew, referring to it with the words, "it is written." The Jews used this expression only when quoting from books they regarded as sacred. Barnabas cited much from the New Testament, such as Christ's miracles, His calling the twelve disciples, His being scourged, slapped and mocked by soldiers, His resurrection and ascension.  

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

According to Muslims, are the Bible have been changed? Part Three

Could it be possible that there was a collusion between the different denominations who "supervised" each other, to maliciously change the Book that command them to be truthful, faithful and righteous? How could they alter God's Book when the strong warning rings throughout its pages. The Bible forewarns:  "If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plaques that are written in this book; and if any man shall take away from the words of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life" (Revelation 22:18-19), Whereas God has promised that heaven and earth will pass before the hand of corruption could touch His Word, He remains faithful to His promise and to keeping His Bible. If any one could have altered the Bible, the traditional churches would at least eliminated from it following verse that says: "Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earthy: Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I (am) the Lord thy God..." (Exodus 20:4-5). But those churches with all their overwhelming influence, and great political powers and capabilities, could not delete that verse or any verse, nor even any single word from the Holy Bible. 

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Muslims must read this and explains this

The apostles of Christ quoted from each other's writing, confirming the divine inspiration of the texts. In 1 Timothy 5:18, the Apostle Paul says: "The laborer is worthy of his wages." This expression occurs only in the Gospel of Christ according to Luke (10:7), thereby confirming the fact that this Gospel record was recognized and in common use when Paul wrote his letter to Timothy. In James 2:8, we read: "You shall love your neighbor as yourself"; this is a quote from the Gospel of Christ according to Matthew (22:39). In 2 Peter 3:14-16 the Apostle Peter writes: Therefore, beloved, looking forward to these things, be diligent to be found by Him in peace, without spot and blameless and account that the long-suffering of our Lord is salvation- as also our beloved brother Paul, according to the wisdom given to him, has written to you, as  also in his epistles."
Here the Apostle Peter acknowledge the reliability of Paul's writings, as well as the wisdom with which he wrote them. And since God Almighty endowed the apostles with the power of the Holy Spirit to perform miracles, these men were able to differentiate between books that were inspired and those that were not. They quoted from one another's writings in the same way that they cited the words of the Old Testament prophets.

According to Muslims, are the Bible have been changed? Part Two

A general idea has spread among the Muslims that the Bible has been tampered with and changed. However, the proofs that are presented to you on theses pages will definitely furnish you with convincing evidence, confirming  testimonies, substantiating verifications and measures that neither can be refuted nor compromised, to make sure to you that it is impossible for the Bible to have been tampered with or changed. The first question that should come to the mind of the inquiring Muslim is: "If there was any change in the Bible, then, was that change made before or after the days of Arabian messenger, Mohammad?"

If you were told that the Bible could have been changed after the days of Momammed, then ask  yourself the following questions. "If Christianity spread all over the world, before the days of Mohammed and it was divided into many denominations; then for the benefit of which denomination was the change made?" Was the alteration made in favor of Catholics, the Orthodox or any of the independent Christian denominations? Would the other denominations acquiesce to have any changes made in favor of one denomination but not in favor of the others?  

Sunday, November 27, 2016

How should Muslims view the Bible?

It is well-known that Muslims never published the Koran in the same multilingual way, for they held that it was not permissible to translate it into other languages; that would make the Koran did not spread to vast areas like the Bible- a Book that has gone throughout the world, making it virtually impossible to introduce any kind of change or alteration. How could there ever have been a conspiracy among widely divergent denominations in different parts of the world, regarding the alteration of the Book which commands believers to be faithful, honest and true? We read the following words of John in Revelation 22:18-19: "For I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds to these things, God will add to him the plagues that are written in this book and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part from the Book of Life, from the holy city and from the things which are written in this book."
Who would have been willing to bring these curses upon himself by tampering with the Bible? The Jews, whose antagonism to Christianity is well-known, would have been the first to denounce Christians if they had falsified any parts of the Bible. Moreover, how could the millions of Christians down the centuries have accepted a false book? Thus, one can conclude that the words of the apostles and disciples of Christ are free from such defects as corruption, alteration, abrogation, forgery or falsehood.

According to Muslims, are the Bible have been changed? Part One

A general idea has spread among the Muslims that the Bible has been tampered with and changed. However, the proofs that are presented to you on theses pages will definitely furnish you with convincing evidence, confirming  testimonies, substantiating verifications and measures that neither can be refuted nor compromised, to make sure to you that it is impossible for the Bible to have been tampered with or changed. The first question that should come to the mind of the inquiring Muslim is: "If there was any change in the Bible, then, was that change made before or after the days of Arabian messenger, Mohammad?"

It is clear that no change could have been made in the Bible before the days of Mohammed; otherwise, he would attacked it, and he would have mentioned it in the Qur'an, commanding the Muslims and warning the world against reading a book that was altered. But Mohammed honored the Bible and emphasized that it is the Book of God that was given to the world as "light and guidance".
For this reason, he admonished them to read the Holy Book, saying: "Say, People of the Book you stand on nothing, until you perform the Torah and the Gospel." (The Table 68).

Thursday, November 24, 2016

The collection of the New Testament Books, my Muslim friend

It is an established fact that the books of the New Testament were collected before the death of John the Apostle. Therefore, he was able to see and approve these books. As for the charge that the original books were changed or replaced by others, we would say that Christians scholars and laymen from time of the Apostle John until the present watched over them with utmost care. Christian theologians have occupied a position similar to that of the tribe of Levi whom God set apart for the preservation and promotion of the law of Moses. They devoted themselves to expounding, interpreting and preaching these books. They zealously guarded them because they regarded the Bible as one of the means to their soul's salvation: "So then faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God" (Romans 10:17). Is it any wonder that the Bible were translated and transmitted with utmost care in an unbroken chain of authority from one generation to the next?

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

God's gift to Muslims

When you study the world's religions, you find all major religions offer man certain educational foundations, and moral values that are indispensable for man's social. However, man's social environment. However, man's sin has paralyzed him spiritually and condemned him to eternal hell. For this reason, man is in need for more than just principles and values to save him from his pathetic state, because principles and values cannot save. You can test yourself by asking this important question: "Where will I spend my eternity?"
Please be honest to yourself as you answer this question. It is of the utmost importance that you do not look or bypass this important question because your very eternity depends on it. If you felt uneasy and confused as you hear, it is because you are like everybody else, a sinner in need of saving from the chains of sin.
The Lord Jesus Christ whom God the Father sent to accomplish your very salvation showing Him and presenting Him in the Gospel.
Without this Savior, you cannot be saved from the shackles of sin.But the merciful God loved man so much that He sent the only, most Holy Savior who can provide to man complete salvation.
For this very reason, all the prophets bear witness for Him whoever believes in Him, shall receive the forgiveness of sins, in His name, (Acts 10:43).
The Jewish Torah says of Him: "Kiss the Son lest He be angry... Blessed all those who put their in Him" (Psalm 2:12). Even the Qur'an mentioned the  following statement to God saying to Christ: "And I will set those who followed thee above those who disbelieved, even unto the day of resurrection." (The House of Imran 55). Whereas the Qur'an says the Gospel that it is:"Light and Guidance"; and whereas I present to you the Gospel.
I will give you definite proofs that establish the infallibility of the Bible, confound everyone that transgressed against it, remove all worries and doubts from your mind.
I will leave this question for you, "Where will I spend my eternity?" We will go to hell or heaven and we have to deal with our sins and Jesus.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

The forever truth to Muslims and the world

The spiritual concepts become preeminent in our thoughts, and "spirituality" becomes of uttermost importance to man. But it is lamentable that many people have closed their minds, blinded their eyes and hid themselves behind their blind spiritual fanaticism that can produce nothing but eternal destruction. Fanaticisms definitely prohibits fanatics from searching, studying and discovering the truth that can give internal peace, concerning their eternity. It was appointed unto man once to die, after which is the judgement; this means that man cannot receive a second chance after death, to repent. Such an opportunity will pass for ever after death. Please, do not let blind fanaticism make you lose your opportunity for eternal bliss with God, in heaven; that opportunity will be lost after death. Please remember that their is deliverance  in Jesus. I hope you realize that Jesus is much more than a prophet. Jesus is God. I hope that you take this to heart.

Answering Islam with the Bible

The books of the New Testament are 27. the Gospel of Christ according to Matthew, the Gospel according to Mark, the Gospel according to Luke, the Gospel according to John, the Acts of the Apostles, Romans, 1 Corinthians, 2 Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, 1 Thessalonians, 2 Thessalonians, 1 Timothy, 2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon, Hebrews, James, 1 Peter, 2 Peter, 1 John, 2 John, 3 John, Jude, and Revelation.
The Jews adhere to the Old Testament, which has commonly been divided into three parts:

  • The Pentateuch (the law or the first five books of Moses)
  • The Psalms(an inclusive title referring to all poetic writings)
  • The Prophets
Christians follow both testaments and they refer to them when discussing doctrines, because the basic tenor of both is the same.

The New Testament is commonly part  into four parts:

  • The gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John)
  • The Acts of the Apostles
  • The Epistles (or "Letters")
  • The Revelation of Jesus Christ

Sunday, November 6, 2016

The Most Important question my Muslim friend

The most important question that confronts every man living on this earth is: "Where will I spend my eternity?" The thing that is clear to every one is that man's life on earth, no, matter how much it is prolonged, is short and full of labor, dangers, disasters, adversities, sorrows fears and tears. But all those things can't be compared neither with the measure nor with the extent of the eternal sufferings that will inflict every sinful man in the fire of hell. When it becomes clear to us that this life is short and that eternity is endless, then we give eternity the priority it deserves in our life. We need to look at Jesus. Is Jesus the Lord or not?

Answering Islam with the New Testament

The author of the book, Revelation of the Truth, said that the Bible has been perverted. With intelligent and traditional arguments, we will proclaim the freedom of the Scriptures from human corruption and alteration. What proves that the Bible is from the All-Wise, the Omniscient, is it uniformity. Though it consists of sixty books, composed throughout forty generations (1,500 years) and by thirty-six prophets, these nonetheless reflect full conformity and unity of purpose; that is, they convey the message of the redemption of mankind by a noble redeemer who deliverers from abyss of corruption. The Bible, from its beginning to end, maintains this significant truth.